Happy Home Secrets ! ( Series 2- Joseph)
Mr.R. Rajasingh
We have to Understand

1.Consultation with God on every issue is the key to success for a believing family.Joseph was considering the issue of Mary.He got the guidance in a dream.God guides His children when we bring all our needs to Him and wait for His guidance.

2. Obedience to the guidance of God is the source of joy and happiness.Joseph, when he got the dream, immediately received Mary as his wife.Never delay things which you have to do then and there.Do have short accounts.Has the Lord asked you to forgive someone?

3.Our Home should be a Holy place for the Lord to dwell in and move on, including our personal lives.Joseph knew the costliness of Holiness.Coming to the knowledge that the Baby was the Holy One, he had to set his life style differently, though married.Let all your dealings and conversations be sealed as ‘Holy unto the Lord’.Never dilute or compromise them with unholy things.

4. As a Family, let Sundays be set for Worship.Wherever you are, attend a Bible Believing Church on time and be very regular.Honoring God includes honoring the Lord’s House as well.Joseph took the family to the Temple of Jerusalem very regularly.

5.Parents to be anxious about their children.Their character formation, fine habits, studies, dress code, spiritual growth, etc. should all be well thought out.Mary and Joseph were anxiously searching for Jesus when He got missed.For Parents, the God given job is to bring their own children up in the fear of the Lord very carefully.Why not you, as Parents, set a night to fast and pray weekly for your Children?

6. Life will not be smooth always.There may be challenges at times.It has to be accepted and God’s children have to move on.Our Lord never leaves us nor forsakes us.Joseph had many challenges, but he never murmured or questioned God.

7. God’s children have to be very sure of God’s guidance, as Joseph had instruction 4 times through dreams.He had the provision of Gold when he had to flee to Egypt.Joseph’s 2 other children have written 2 New testament books (James and Jude).Our children will be taken care of by our Heavenly Father! They will be great! Have dreams for your Children! They will be at the Top! Be a Blessing to your Children!

He serves as the General Secretary of Shalom Family Enrichment Mission. He is a good counselor. His Sessions are open and non-judgemental in nature. He can be contacted at 044-42114689